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2025 PRISM Nominations

Recognizing Women of Excellence
The PRISM Awards have been created by the Business Women of Moose Jaw to recognize women for their accomplishments, skills, achievements and contributions to community. 

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT is March 15, 2025


​PRISM Nominee Categories
Seven Awards

1. Perseverance

This woman has overcome considerable obstacles and/or adversity in her quest for success.  The nomination must include the details that show the nominee’s steadfastness, including the actions the nominee has taken to get past these obstacles/adversities to where she is today.  


Areas of considerations include:

  • Has overcome difficulties or hardships to achieve her goals whether it is financial, physical, resource based, geographical location, etc.

  • Has encountered roadblocks that have been overcome with help or by own resources.

  • Has achieved goals despite lack of support or belief from individuals or groups.

  • Has given selflessly of her own time and energy to accomplish a greater good. 

2. Role Model

This woman demonstrates great character and is regarded as someone who others wish to emulate. The nomination must outline the nominee’s role model characteristics in detail, highlighting specific actions the nominee has taken to have her regarded as a role model for others.


Areas of considerations include:

  • Has inspired others through actions, words and/or thoughts.

  • Has obtained success that others aspire to have. 

3. Influential

This woman has demonstrated her ability to win others over with her charismatic and/or convincing style. She is regarded as someone who “gets things done". The nomination cites examples of the nominee’s ability to influence others to achieve goals and/or to overcome obstacles.  


Areas of considerations include:

  • Has created change in a specific area of expertise. (i.e. science, technology, health care, etc.)

  • Has created opportunity for those who are in need financially or educationally.

  • Has influenced a group/organization to grow and flourish.

  • May not be a leader by title but has many leadership qualities that have influenced others. 

4. Successful​​

This woman has accomplished a specific goal, either from a business, health or volunteer perspective. The nomination must include what has been deemed her “success” and how she was able to reach this milestone.  


Areas of considerations include:

  • Has been formally recognized for her achievement(s).

  • Has helped others benefit from her individual success.

  • Has shown leadership in some capacity (must be clearly defined/explained). 

5. Mentor

This woman is regarded as an experienced and trusted advisor. The nominee formally and/or informally mentors others. Examples can be derived from business, personal, professional association or educational environments. The nomination must include the number of individuals mentored and the steps the nominee took to mentor their mentee(s) and how success in the process was evaluated.


Areas of considerations include:

  • Has provided guidance to a group or individual.

  • Has shared wisdom and expertise with others.

  • Has unselfishly given of her time and energy for the betterment of others. 

6. PRISM Lifetime Award

Honoring a woman who has achieved significant success in three or more of the five categories over a period of 20+ years.

7. PRISM Youth Achievement

A young adult (19 or under) who exhibits the qualities of an exceptional woman. The nominee must have achieved significant success or growth in at least three of the five categories.

Eligibility: Must be 19 years of age or younger as of January 1, 2025.

How to Submit a Nomination:

Nominations will only be accepted through the official online form BELOW.


DEADLINE TO SUBMIT is March 15, 2025


Nomination Requirements:

  • Digital Headshot: A high-resolution JPEG image of the nominee (used for website and social media announcements).

  • Email to:

For more details, visit our official website or contact us at

Nomination Form

Please choose ONE category from the awards. Previous winners are not eligible to be nominated again but previous nominees who did not win are eligible to be nominated again

Important please ensure you have completed all the requirements. 
•    Documents must be sent by email in Word format.
•    All nominees must be a resident of Saskatchewan.
•    Include a photo of the nominee
•    Incomplete submissions or documents that follow separately will not be accepted.
•    You will receive an email confirming your nomination has been accepted. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please email: to inquire prior March15, 2025.

The PRISM Awards take place on March 26, 2025

Luncheon from 11:30am to 1pm.

Location to be determined. 

Tickets must be purchased in advance online.

We ask that all nominees attend the event.  

Nominees must purchase a ticket to attend but will be reimbursed if they are the award winner.  


At the event the nominees will be guided by the Nominee Ambassador as to the format of the night, group pictures, where to sit, etc.  


DEADLINE to Nominate is March 15, 2025

Thanks for submitting!

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Business Women of Moose Jaw

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